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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Our Staff

Welcome to our Staff


Senior Leadership Team

Please click on the name below to learn more about each member of our Senior Leadership 

Mrs Michelle Heather  Headteacher 

I have been a teacher here at Buckden since 2007 and have seen the school go through many changes. I joined the Senior Leadership Team in 2014 and have worked alongside Alison Anderson, the CEO of ACT Trust, as firstly her Assistant Head and then her Deputy. In 2023, I became the Headteacher, as we became the sponsor school for ACT Academy Trust. I am very proud of all that we have achieved here at Buckden for our children. We will continue to strive with the excellent team I have around me to ensure that our children have the skills, knowledge and understanding, to move with confidence to the next stage of their education. 

Mrs Melanie Anderson Assistant Headteacher 

I joined Buckden in 2011 and have worked as a class teacher, language specialist and as Upper School Head.  I have had the opportunity to teach from EYFS to Year 6 as a language teacher and in both key stages as a class teacher. More recently, I have become one of the Assistant Headteachers, and I really enjoy being part of the team to lead the school and being part of its strategic direction.

More recently, I helped develop our new curriculum, ensuring it aligns to the National Curriculum and the UN Sustainable Goals. I am passionate about our curriculum and, as Eco Lead, I have worked hard with our Eco Council to attain an Eco Award with distinction. 

In my spare time, I enjoy walking, boxing and spending time with my family. 


Mrs Susan Tarpey Assistant Headteacher  

I joined Buckden in 2014 and have worked both as a class teacher, science specialist and Lower School Head.  I have taught across the school and more recently I have become one of the assistant headteachers. It is a great opportunity to be able to continue to ensure that Buckden is a great school to be part of and to gain the best education.

More recently, I helped develop our new curriculum, ensuring it aligns to the National Curriculum and the UN Sustainable Goals. I am passionate about our curriculum and have enjoyed embedding science into it for children, exposing them to the wonders of the natural world. 

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and spending time on my allotment.

Miss Laura Fozzard - SENDCo

I have taught at Buckden for 12 years, both as a class teacher, and Upper School Head. Whilst here, I have been responsible for leading PE and English. Whilst here, I have taught predominantly within year 5 and 6 but have had the opportunity to teach across the school from EYFS to year 6. 

Most recently, I have taken on the role of SENDCo and strive to continue embedding a whole school commitment to supporting our children with Special Educational Needs. Additionally, I am part of the Home School Hub team.

Mrs Nicola Butcher - SENDCo

I have taught at Buckden since 2012 as a classroom teacher. I have gained my Advanced Specialist Teacher status with the BDA, which enables me to give specialist support to those children with literacy difficulties. 

Most recently, I have taken on the role of SENDCo and strive to continue embedding a whole school commitment to supporting our children with Special Educational Needs. Additionally, I am part of the Home School Hub team.

Mrs Kate Purser Head of Upper School

I joined Buckden in 2011 and have worked as a classroom teacher. Recently, I became Head of Upper School. I feel passionate about ensuring that our children here at Buckden have the best educational offer and I am really pleased to be part of the senior leadership team to contribute to the strategic direction of Buckden.

I am a great advocate of Buckden and all three of my children have attended and had the benefit of the great educational offer.

Mrs Kate Woodward Head of Early Years and Head of Lower School 

I joined Buckden in 2011 and have worked in EYFS and KS1 as a classroom teacher. I am the EYFS lead teacher. I was part of the first cohort to gain Chartered Teacher Status at the Chartered College of Teachers. More recently, I have become Head of Lower School, which I enjoy both supporting my colleagues and pupils in lower school and being part of the strategic direction of the school.


Mrs Michelle Dunford Attendance and Pastoral Lead/HSH 

I joined the school in 2011 and as a EYFS Specialist teaching Assistant and later became Higher Level Teaching Assistant, therefore gaining experience across the school. I am especially passionate about SEMH needs and became the pastoral lead in 2022 and established the Home School Hub. As part of my role I am the Attendance Lead and I work closely with families to improve attendance of all our pupils under the guidelines put in place by government.


Mrs Kate Woodward - EYFS
Mrs Denise Heal - EYFS

Miss Hannah Murkett - Year 1
Miss Isabel Greaves - Year 1

Mrs Christina Farmer - Year 2
Miss Laura Freeman - Year 2

Mrs Stacey Jaynes - Year 3 / Mrs Susan Tarpey - Year 3
Mrs Catherine Keating - Year 3

Miss Charlotte Wilson - Year 4 
Mrs Sonia Wall - Year 4

Mrs Melanie Anderson - Year 5 / Mrs Laura Conlong- Year 5
Mrs Caroline Schmidt - Year 5

Mrs Frances Walker - Year 6
Mrs Kate Purser - Year 6

Mrs Nicola Butcher - SEND
Miss Laura Fozzard - SEND

Melanie Gill - Nurture Group
Rebecca Routledge - Nurture Group

Mrs Katrina Pyke Milne - PPA Cover
Mr Jack Jenner - PPA Cover

Support Teaching Staff 

Mrs Denise Carter - EYFS
Mrs Kim Davidson - EYFS
Mrs Valerie Ellis - EYFS

Miss Ronnie Dear - Year 1
Ms Michele Kelly - Year 1


Miss Antonia Judge - Year 2
Miss Chloe Burling - Year 2
Mrs Laura Pope - Year 2

Mrs Angie McDonnell - Year 3
Miss Katie Love - Year 3

Mrs Alison Morgan - Year 4
Mrs Alison Whitehouse - Year 4
Miss Katie Love - Year 4
Miss Antonia Judge - Year 4

Mrs Sam Hardy - Year 5
Mrs Stephanie DeSilva- Year 5
Miss Katie Love - Year 5

Mrs Ruth Forshaw - Year 6
Mrs Jane Ryder - Year 6
Mrs Alison Whitehouse - Year 6
Mrs Stephanie De Silva - Year 6

Mrs Michelle Dunford, Mrs Rebecca Routledge and Mrs Mel Gill - Pastoral Support

Administration Staff 

Ms Gill Tipping - School Office Manager

Mrs Julie Marsh  - School Receptionist/Resources Administrator

Miss Sasha Lancaster - School Administrator and Receptionist


Catering Staff and Midday Supervisors

Mrs Michelle Bigg - Kitchen Manager

Mrs Donna Stewart, Mrs Jane De'ath-Stevens - Catering Staff

Mrs Jane Draycott, Mrs Karen Miles, Mrs Valerie Ellis, Mrs Sarah Galvin - Midday Supervisors

Site Staff 

Mr David Chamberlain - Site Manager

Mrs Julie Howe, Mrs Camelia Porojan, Mrs Helen Knight - Cleaning Staff

Buckden Out of School Scheme (BOSS) Staff

Mrs Chloe Burling - Manager

Ms Michele Kelly - Playworker
Mrs Samantha Hardy - Playworker
Miss Katie Love - Playworker
Mrs Donna Stewart - Playworker