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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Multi Academy Trust Information

Multi Academy Trust Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Why have we established the Multi Academy Trust (MAT)?

We have established a MAT so that Buckden can continue to develop as it has done since 2011 when it became a Single Academy Trust.  We are directing this move and have set this up, it is led by Alison Anderson (CEO).


  1. What is the benefit of becoming to a MAT?

Benefits are:

  • As we are setting up a MAT we have a say in the direction of the MAT and autonomy that Buckden can have.
  • Career progression for teachers/staff without them having to leave the school
  • Sharing of pedagogical practices that will enhance the offer at Buckden
  • Staff being able to work in a community of colleagues
  • Retention of staff
  • a distinct model of teaching and learning
  • a system for training teachers and other staff
  • deployment of staff across the chain to support
  • centralising resources and systems
  • geographical proximity
  • back-office support that could eventually be available from MATs makes it possible for school leaders to focus on instructional leadership, while the central team takes care of finance, administrative functions and HR. Because the MAT can employ specialists, those functions can be managed in a smoother and more efficient way than they could do at school level.
  • providing subject expertise
  • shared planning
  • shared examples of good practice
  • shared resources
  • shared assessment and moderation
  • broadening teachers’ skills in foundation subjects such as: art, music, and PE
  • developing buddying/mentoring systems to enhance teaching and learning.


  1. What will change for the pupil’s, parents/carers and teaching colleagues at Buckden?

Nothing will change primarily initially. As things progress and more schools become part of the MAT alongside us. There is a governance structure change to a local governing body which reports to the trust governing body, but will not impact the day to day running of the school.


  1. Will the uniform change?

No, the uniform will remain the same.


  1. Will the current staffing structure change?

There will be some change, as some staff will move to work for the MAT, this will open up opportunities for growth and development of staff within Buckden.

Act Multi Academy trust website