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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Welcome to the Buckden CofE School’s Parent and Teachers Association (PTA).
A PTA is an excellent way to bring together parents, teachers and your local community to raise money and to support the school.  It provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal.As parents, you are automatically a member of the PTA…your voice counts.

Our prime aim is to work with the school, and fundraise towards an agreed project or activity.  We have a committee that is elected annually, and meet regularly to plan events throughout the school year.  It is not necessary to be able to attend all the meetings, but new members and ideas are welcome anytime.

The committee of volunteers  -with the invaluable support from parents and teachers – work towards raising funds that can be used to enhance the education of our children. The committee is always open to new members, occasional helpers and fundraising ideas.

The Buckden School PTA is a registered charity: 1188470.

We generally keep in touch on WhatsApp in-between committee meetings (usually bi-monthly or quarterly) and share our tasks, so no one person is left doing the lion’s share.

It’s a great, collaborative team of lovely working mums who all juggle life, children and other responsibilities, so we’re all in similar boats and simply do what we can to help each other and to enhance the children’s time at school.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact us at, and we can find a time to talk.