Friday 14th June

Spellings: guard, quarter, peculiar, century, breathe, accidentally, possible.
TTrockstars 3x 15 minute sessions.
Reading daily.
'In RE we were learning about Muslims and we heard the song to call everyone to prayer. It plays five times a day for about ten minutes and we looked at the Qur'an' - Isla
'In science we learnt about light and on our table we looked at natural and man-made light and sorted them. Then we got a box and did an experiment about how much light we needed to see what was inside- we made 25 holes in it to be able to see!'- Shruthi
'I enjoyed art where we were learning about Grant Wood and we wrote facts and we did a piece where we split our page into sections and used oil pastels, crayons and pencil to draw one of his paintings'- Olivia H
'In PE we made dances where we looked like animals and I enjoyed showing everyone'- Mattie
'In DT we made our cereal bars! We added fruit and honey and oats and we had to melt butter! We mixed it and then got a bit of it and put in fruit. And we got to eat a little bit! True stuff!'- Jimmy
'I liked maths where we did the bar charts and the tallies'- Edmund
'I enjoyed doing a poem for our mans dream (the main character from our terms reading book), rhyming or not. Each person did two lines using similies or metaphors, expanded noun phrases and alliteration. Then we put them together as a group'- Mila
A fun filled week as you can see! Have a lovely weekend,
Year three :)