Friday 8th March 2024

Please remember to do your TT RockStars homework (3 x 15min) and to read at home (3 x 20min).
Spellings: gently, wrinkly, humbly, responsibly, simply, durably, terribly
We have had a fantastic week in year 3 which hs been dominated by our year 1 and 3 production. The children worked so incredibly hard to learn their lines and to remember when to come on and go off. They operated as such a great team and helped each other all through the rehearsals. We are beyond proud of their efforts and achievements. We would just like to thank you all once again for the amazing costumes.
We have also been busy thinking about our Power of Reading book 'The Varmints' which has such a strong message about looking after wildlife and habitats to keep our planet healthy. The children have used their descriptive writing skills to compare different types of setting within the story. In maths we have continued to learn about lengths and measurements and the children are becoming much more confident with different units of measure and can convert between units of measure e.g. metres into centimetres.
In geography, we looked at the differences between Vienna and London as different types of cities, and in science, we started to think about what makes an outdoor environment sustainable.
P.E. has been fun when we have been conducting outside adventurous activities and for our second PE we will be continuing gymnastics in the hall using the wall bars.
On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day by sharing our favourite books and writing book reviews whilst sitting cosily in our pyjamas. We really enjoyed our hot chocolate kindly brought round to us by the PTA.
Have a great weekend