Friday 13th October

Spellings: closure, treasure, measure, leisure, pleasure, pressure, exposure
Talk Homework: Tell your adults how you investigated the properties of rocks and what you discovered.
We have had a great week in year 3. In English, the children wrote their stories about the woolly mammoth characters they had developed and successfully produced some imaginative stories to be proud of. We have finished our place value lessons in maths and can now confidently explain the value of the digits in a three-digit number. In RE, we have thought hard about the links that can be made between the promises in a Christian wedding ceremony and those made in the story of Noah. In Geography, we can now identify counties in England and are beginning to be able to match some cities to the counties they are in. In History, we now know about education in the past. We have explored Mediaeval and Ancient Greek education and what it was like for boys and girls in those times. In Science, we have practised our grouping skills to consolidate our knowledge of different rock types. By testing for hardness, permeability, and resistance to acid, we have explored the properties of rocks. The properties of rocks give us a clue to which rock type it might be. For example, sedimentary rocks are softer than igneous and metamorphic rocks. Our PE coach thinks that the children are doing very well at Tag rugby. They have mastered how to catch the ball and throw it using the correct grip. They pass the ball well whilst moving through the opposition and work well as a team. In French, we can now greet each other, tell someone our name and name the colours.
Today was a special day to raise awareness of the need to plant more trees and to look after endangered animals. As a school, we are passionate about looking after our planet for future generations and we thank you for your support.
Have a great weekend
Year 3