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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 22nd September 2023

Spellings: trout, mouth, around, shout, house, found, proud

Talk Homework: Share your facts about Klimt, can you find out about any other abstract artists? Or even find some abstract art in your home or community?

Science (Twig Reporter): 

This week we have been working hard on progressing our maths place value knowledge of three-digit numbers. We have been practising one more and one less, ten more and ten less... and even 100 more and 100 less of a three-digit number! In English, we have been focusing on identifying different word classes including verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, linking these to descriptive sentences about fish. We love listening to the simile song and even wrote our own similes about fish! Today, we had great fun identifying irregular verbs in a quiz too. In science, we explored different rocks using magnifying glasses, describing what they looked and felt like. In art, we researched and read facts about Gustav Klimt and created some original, expressive pieces to present these facts. We also started exploring secondary colours, mixing primary colours to make them. In PE, we had another amazing rugby session where we learnt about finding space and travelling with a rugby ball. In RE, we delved into the story of Noah and the Ark to make real-life connections to events in the story. In DT, we enjoyed designing our bookmarks, incorporating ideas for both running stitches, cross stitches and the colour scheme we would like our threads to be. In PSHE, we discussed conflict and ways to resolve this to make the playground a better, happier place for everyone.

Have a great weekend!

Year 3