Week beg 29th Jan 2024

Spellings: knight, wreckage, writer, knowledge, knuckle, wreath, pterodactyl, mnemonic, wrestler, knife
It's been a wonderful week full of challenges and creativity. We're in the throes of creating our turtle and jellyfish sculptures, which are coming along brilliantly, and we've finished our character descriptions for our new book Floodlands. Some students found the shift from showing and not telling tricky, but they all put the effort in. For SPAG, we're continuing to focus on relative clauses using relative pronouns - who, which, what, when, that - as we need practice.
In Maths, we've learnt long multiplication and begun short division.
In History, we've been learning about how historians know where the Anglo Saxons settled in East Anglia based on the evidence and how they influenced a lot of our place names. On Tuesday next week, we'll be visiting the Buckden library to look at the exhibition for one of the largest Anglo Saxon halls discovered below Lucks Lane.
On Friday, we had the pleasure of speaking to the Impact Manager of Ocean Bottle – a UK company that supports countries with a poor waste management infrastructure to collect plastic before it reaches the ocean. It was fascinating to hear about his important job and show students that they could choose to further their SDG learning with a career in environmental science if they wished to.
Next week, we'll be beginning our DT project and several students have started to bring in their cat food/dog food/similar cardboard boxes. Please keep them coming in as without them, students won't be able to build their project.
Finally, a huge congratulations to all those Year 5s who went to Young Voices last night! It was incredible watching you, and I've been assured it was magical experience for you too! It's a definite must-do experience next year.