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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

First week of Spring Term

Talk homework: Discuss with your parents your goals for this term. What is it that you want to achieve in the new year? 

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break, and we thank you for all your very generous (and thoughtful) gifts – Mrs Anderson and I were extremely grateful. 

Although it's only been a three-day week, it's been very productive and both classes have really impressed us with their attitudes to learning (despite battling post-holiday tiredness). 

In English, we've been focusing on our sentence structure, use of parenthesis and creativity (which Sonny really enjoyed); whilst in Maths, we continue to build our fluency in adding and subtracting mixed number fractions. 

Year 5 spent time today developing their sketching and observational drawing skills – some found it challenging, but the progress was brilliant. We tried continuous line drawing, blind drawing and then used line and tone to draw a still-life. Core skills that will help them plan their sculptures for our upcoming school exhibition. 

Hockey was a favourite, too, which Harrison and Kitty enjoyed, and will be accompanied by Netball from next week. 

New spellings will be set on Monday. 

Enjoy a restful weekend.

Mrs Schmidt