Wk beg 4.9.23

Talk Homework: Talk to your adult about the highlights of your week and the work of Jeannie Baker.
It's been a busy, but brilliant, first week of the school year for the new Year 5s. We've loved getting to know the pupils, and they have all seemed to settle well into the new routines.
This week's learning
They've particularly impressed us with their discussions about our new book, There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, having made insightful inferences and observations about the main characters. We have begun to look at place value up to 10,000 on our journey to 1,000,000 in the coming weeks, and completed some tricky map work in geography as we start looking at where the Maya inhabited Mexico.
In Art, we've started looking at the collages of Jeannie Baker and will soon be gathering natural materials and other resources for our textural collages. Independently, as well as part of a team, we'll be constructing a collage book that compares the school day of a UK child and a student in rural Mexico as part of our SDG topic: Quality Education.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. This week the pupils were introduced to our new sports coach who will be teaching them Tag Rugby skills on a Thursday this half-term.
Reminders - Please remind your child to bring in pencil(s), ruler, whiteboard pen and glue stick in their stationery case.
Pupils will be made aware of their new reading bands next week after having been assessed this week and will have an appropriate book to bring home, if they've not already. In the meantime, please continue to read with them regularly as it is incredibly vital and will aid them in all areas of their learning.
Please read for a minimum 20 minutes a day. There is no longer BOOM reader for Year 5s, but reading will be closely monitored via AR quizzes in school.
Spellings - New spellings will be posted each Monday (approx) to be practised ready for a quiz the following Monday. Pupils will have brought their spellings home this week on a practice sheet that needs to be returned on Monday please.
TT Rockstars - login details are the same as before - please practise.
Any questions about the upcoming school year can be directed to myself and Mrs Anderson at our respective email addresses or via Year5@buckdenacademy.org.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Anderson