Friday 9th February 2024

Spellings - Reviewing this half term (endings - le, el, al, il) (endings to words with long and short vowel sounds -y -ing -ed -est -er)
Reading - Read with your child and log it on Boom Reader
Maths - Use Numbots or TTrockstars
Hayley - We enjoyed English because we enjoyed making our Beast and telling the Lonley Beast what our Beast was doing.
Willow - I liked doing the filtering water investigation. When we did the stiring it was goey and there was lots of information we found out.
Sophie - I liked our maths because we were learning about division this week and how can group and share to work out the answer.
Ptolemy - This week I enjoyed making sliders and leavers in DT.
Louie - I enjoyed spellings because I liked doing the test with 35 spellings on it. We have also been doing some drawing to help us with our spellings.
Henry B - I've enjoyed reading beacuse I like reading to my partner.
Charlie - I enjoyed Gymnastics when we got to go on the wall bars.
Delilah - I enjoyed English when we were writing about the Beast we made last week.
Archie - I've enjoyed DT because we got to make sliders and leavers.
Chloe – using the gym bars in PE
Noah – cleaning water Science experiment (last Friday)
Talin – English, writing letter; DT, making our sliders and pivots
Jack – Maths, learning how to divide by 10
Alfie B – DT, making sliders
Annie – DT, making sliders
Millie – reading our new book about stars