Friday 27th September

This week's spellings: mystery, myth, symbol, lyrics, gym, Egypt, system.
TTRockstars: Please complete 45 minutes of play per week. The students will be dressing up as their avatar for school on Friday 8th November. This will involve your child/children coming into school dressed up as their avatar from TTrockstars or Numbots. Your child will need to play the games/ stories on TTrockstars in order gain coins to buy the parts for their chosen avatar's costume, which they will then come dressed up as into school.
Read at home at least 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.
We have had a fun-filled week in year 3. Both classes have shown resilience when learning new skills and have worked well as a team.
This term the students enjoy PE, tag rugby and orienteering. During orienteering, we found treasure hidden on the school field and plotted it on a map. Billy’s favourite part was the challenge of trying to find the treasure first and Delilah recognised the importance of team work when finding the stations. In DT, we are designing, making and evaluating a bookmark. Willow enjoyed adding different stitches such as running stitch and cross stitch to hers. Sophie enjoyed her English drama lesson this week. The children acted out the journey of a pebble using their prior knowledge. Each group portrayed a different scene from “The Pebble in my Pocket”. Sophie enjoyed throwing fireballs made of coloured tissue from the crater of the volcano they had formed. They set the scene through movement and dance and some of the pupils preferred stage management and others were involved in set design!
This morning, we joined over 50 schools in the Diocese of Ely for Collective Worship! We enjoyed singing together in an interactive assembly. If you would like to hear the song we sang with the schools, it is named “Waymaker”. Link:
Next Wednesday 2nd October we are holding a non-uniform day when the children wear purple and give a voluntary donation to help support those with a condition called Dravet.
We will be building a school to show how geography influences the way students travel to school. Please bring in any junk modelling materials that you may have at home.
We hope you have a restful weekend,
Mrs Keating, Mrs Jaynes and Mrs Tarpey