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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Blog week 19th June, 2023

Talk to your parents about what you learnt about plastics at Hinchingbrooke School

What an amazing week for Year 5! 

We've been practising our athletics for Sports Day next week, and we've enjoyed testing the aerodynamics of our aeroplane designs during Science Week. We've also researched our favourite animals and drawn biological illustrations detailing their anatomy.  "I really enjoyed when we tested our aeroplanes in assembly", said Betsy, whilst Bella said "I loved learning about my favourite animal, a Koala, and writing a factfile about it".

An extra special highlight for Acorn was our trip to Hinchingbrooke School, which was fantastic! "The best day of my life!", said Amaya. The pupils made me so proud with their positivity and respectful behaviour. They got to design their cheesecake box in the style of Georgina Luck in the Art department, make vacuum molds in DT and bake a cheesecake in the Food Tech department.  Above all, most left with a transformed attitude towards Secondary School, excited and enthusiastic for what's to come.