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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


November 2022

  • 11.11.22 blog

    Published 11/11/22, by Christina Farmer

    Spellings- sadly, bravely, foolishly, completely, gently, proudly, nervously, wildly, happily, horribly

    TT Rockstars - Practise your multiplication - use Sound checks

    Talk Homework- Tell your family about the similarities and differences between the 3 and 6 times tables. 

    Boom reader- We are now 9 weeks into our academic year, many of you have risen to the challenge to create a regular reading routine at home, let's get this to 100% by the end of the weekend to support year four’s learning.
    In English, we have been developing a letter to the King after Prince Ivan came to a crossroad and had to choose a path to take, can you recall the three paths there were and which path you chose?
    In PE year four enjoyed learning new skills from one another during football. Please all remember your PE kits on Monday as we have a lot of additional sporting events going on, interpose and a skipping workshop. 
    During play practice everyone has come together to start organising our stage layout and where cast, signs and props need to be, followed by lots of fun practising the play, with many children not needing their scripts anymore! 
    Have a lovely weekend.
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  • 04.11.22 Blog

    Published 04/11/22, by Christina Farmer

    Spelling - adoration, admiration, illustration, detonation, coronation, observation, location, generation, combination, exploration

    TT Rockstars - Practise your multiplication - use Sound tracks

    Talk Homework - Tell your family about the imaginary lines that go around the world

    In English, we have started our new Power of Learning reading book and we illustrated our own interpretation of the Firebird and described Prince Ivan's personality.

    In History, we learnt about Guy Fawkes and how he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

    Some people in Fern's class our beating their own records on the multiplication booklets.

    Due to the rainy weather, we were unable to use the field, so we did circuits around the track in PE which was very fun.

    Everyone is practising their parts in the play and  having fun performing together.

    Have a great weekend.

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