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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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  • Friday 7th January 2022

    Published 07/01/22, by Admin

    Talk homework: Research some ways in which we can prevent the sea levels from continuing to rise at the rate they are.

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  • Friday 10th December

    Published 13/12/21, by Admin

    TALK HOMEWORK:  Talk about the true meaning of Christmas.  How do you celebrate Christmas in your homes?

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  • Friday 3rd December 2021

    Published 04/12/21, by Admin

    TALK HOMEWORK:  Next week, you will be writing a biography about either Marcus Rashford, David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg or Rose Ayling-Ellis.  Choose one of these and research the key events in their life to include in your biography.  Make sure you write down any important dates too.

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  • Friday 26th November 2021

    Published 26/11/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework: Talk about how you might separate a mixture of water, salt and sand.  What equipment would you need to use?

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  • Friday 19th November 2021

    Published 19/11/21, by Admin

    Talk to someone at home about your plans for your board game.  Can you explain to them how to play it?  You might want to start bringing in any materials that you need to make your board game = e.g. card, paper, lollipop sticks, buttons.

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  • Friday 12th November 2021

    Published 15/11/21, by Admin

    Talk Homework: Find out about African Drums and how they are played. Can you remember their names?

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  • Friday 5th November

    Published 05/11/21, by Admin

    This week we have been started our new unit of work in English, focusing on the book 'Town is by the Sea' by Joanne Schwartz and Sydney Smith. We have been researching mining, a key theme in our book, and performed a poem about mining. Miss Morgan was blown away by the performances and would like to congratulate everyone on their efforts - particularly Libby, Albie, Darcy, Finn and William for using brilliant actions, use of tone and rhythm and creating such an engaging performance. Well done everyone!

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  • Friday 22nd October 2021

    Published 31/10/21, by Admin

    Here is the home learning for the week beginning 1st November 2021.

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  • Friday 15th October 2021

    Published 15/10/21, by Admin

    TALK HOMEWORK:  Talk about how you think our Power of Reading book will end.  Can you predict what we happen to Bradley?  Discuss why you think this.

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  • Friday 1st October

    Published 14/10/21, by Admin
    This week we have been focusing on communication skills in PE. In indoor PE, we made dens out of a variety of materials such as: cardboard, fabric and tape. Albie enjoyed doing numbers to 1,000,000 because he felt really confident in it. Eva reall
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  • 8th October 2021

    Published 14/10/21, by Admin
    This week we have been improving our communication skills in PE, which Albie loved. We have been learning about negative numbers and we have learned that the higher the number is, the lower the number becomes. For example: -10 degrees is colder than
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  • Friday 24th September

    Published 24/09/21, by Admin

    TALK HOMEWORK:  Share what we found out about litter in Buckden when we went out in the village?  How do you think we can best reduce litter in Buckden and why is it important to do this?

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