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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 9th December 2022

Spellings: age, charge, stage, huge, orange

Talk Homework: How many local landmarks do you know? Do you know any around the UK?

We have worked super hard on our quizzes this week- Miss Bennett is very proud! We wanted everyone to share with you today so here are our highlights this week...

Leah- 'I enjoyed maths when we painted to show symmetry'

Isla-Rose- 'I liked assembly because I liked learning about the Bible because I think it is very interesting'

Fin- 'I enjoyed maths where we have been learning about the shapes'

Orla- 'I enjoyed Elfridges'

Seb- 'I have enjoyed doing PE- dribbling'

Matilda S-  'I enjoyed maths when we learnt about 3D shapes'

Joseph- 'I enjoyed buying stuff for our family at the shops'

Ava P- 'I enjoyed sewing'

Mila- 'I enjoyed English learning about The Magic Finger story'

Olivia E- 'I enjoyed the French Christmas words'

Jacob- ' I enjoyed English when we drew our story mountain'

Grayson- 'I enjoyed outside doing Skip2Bfit at playtime'

Henry- 'I enjoyed PE'

Edmund- 'I enjoyed comprehension with Mrs Collins'

Jimmy- 'I liked the sewing!'

Harry- 'I enjoyed watched the Reception play'

Finley O- 'I enjoyed doing maths doing 3D shapes'

Olivia H- 'I liked getting my friendship certificate'

Hayley- 'I enjoyed playing football'

Thea- 'I enjoyed geography with the maps and landmarks'

Matilda B- 'I liked doing the reindeer pictures in maths'


Happy Friday!


Miss Bennett