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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 25th November 2022

Spellings: sketch, watch, kitchen, stretch, match

Talk Homework: How many 2D shapes can you name? Go exploring! What shapes can you find? Can you find any lines of symmetry around your home?

Wow! What a busy week! Magpies have been absolutely fantastic during all three of our productions- their costumes looked fabulous, their singing was incredible and their dances were great! Super proud! In English, we have been practising our spelling and punctuation. We have enjoyed writing sentences about different images, especially when we made predictions about where the message in the bottle had come from! In maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes- we have learnt the difference between regular and irregular shapes, as well as identifying whether they are symmetrical or asymmetrical. In geography, we used a compass to find true North, we then applied this knowledge to write directions for a policeman trying to catch a robber around the streets of Buckden- this links to our SDG of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. In computing, we have been organising data using branching diagrams- these require yes/no questions. We loved answering questions to discover the names of different avatars! Children will have logins for Purple Mash in their bags today so they can enjoy games and additional learning at home. In PSHE, we learnt about what makes a good friend and the importance of honesty. To promote our speaking and listening skills, we have researched and presented facts about ducks- we loved learning that they often sleep with one eye open as half of their brain is always awake to protect them from predators... ask us what else we have learnt!

Happy weekend... be sure to catch up on sleep Magpies! It has been a long week!

Miss Bennett