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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework: Build confidence to project your voice whilst you practice your lines and singing our play songs.

Spellings: daily practice = interact, intercity, international, interfere, interview, intercept, intercom, internet, interchange, interface.

TT rockstars daily practice.

We are starting to see a real interest in the use of boom reader which is superb. However, research reports parents should be reading with children up to the age of 13, in agreement, feedback from Hinchinbrook state all years including year 11 do guided reading with their tutors as part of their tutorial programme 4 times a week. Therefore, we encourage getting into the habit of reading with an adult at home daily, from the start of primary and continuing up to secondary school to support a pleasure in reading, understanding and vocabulary of books.

This week, Fern class has embraced the challenge to improve their handwriting through constructive criticism, we look forward to continuing this next week. Play practice has been a highlight for the majority of Fern class.