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Friday 1st April 2022

Talk Homework: Can you do your bit to help keep our environment tidy over the holidays? Maybe try some litter picking like we did in school.

A super half-term has come to an end in a snowy flourish! The children have worked so hard and really deserve a nice long Easter holiday. 

In English today, the children wrote their own fairy tales which was a huge challenge. They seized the opportunity to aim high and to write a whole tale independently. I am excited to read them. 

In maths this week we have practised finding fractions of a shape and our arithmetic skills. 

In Design and Technology we designed, made and evaluated picture frames to frame our self-portraits. 

In science, we recapped our knowledge of the life cycle of a frog and in RE we thought hard about the meaning of Easter. 

We continued our focus on teamwork and undertook a skills builder project to design a bedroom that both boys and girls could all agree on. Our teamwork skills are really developing. 

There was great excitement on Tuesday when we performed our gymnastic routines to the class. 

Today was a lovely end to the term, when we had a no rules day and brought a toy to school with us, or wore nail varnish or tattoos, hoodies and trainers. 

Have a safe and fun Easter holiday

Maple class.