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15th March 2024


Reading at least 3 times a week and logged on Boom reader

Numbots time

Please remember to send your child in with a light T-shirt. Preferably recycled rather than store bought.

This week we have been continuing with our super hero theme and we met another real-life superhero - Abel's mummy is a paediatricmental health nurse and she visited us to tell us about her work and how she helps others. She also gave us tips to help us look after our mental wellbeing. 

In maths, we've learnt more about number bonds to 10, thinking about the composition of numbers up to 10. In phonics, we learnt the new digraph oo. For science, we explored bubbles and thought about how we can make the biggest bubble. We did a bit of History -- learning about Mary Anning and making a timeline of her life.

Here's what the children said about their week:

I made a big bubble! Bigger than anybody's head! - Charlie

I liked making superheroes. Colouring them in to stick them onto our T Shirt. - Mila

I really liked doing the bubbles. I made them with the straws. It was fun! I made quite a lot of bubbles. - Ella

I liked all the words we were writing in phonics everyday. I feel like I'm getting better! - Sophie T

I liked reading. - Kian

I liked learning 'Zoom to the moon'. - Fraser

I really enjoyed learning about Mary Anning. - Sophie R

Have a lovely weekend!