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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 18th March

Crazy hair!!

Talk homework: What facilities need to be in public buildings? Look at floor plans and think about accessibility for all who would visit.

Also please remember to bring in a shoebox (we need 13 for Wednesday). Thank you

We have had such a busy week and learnt so much, it's been hard to write it all down!

Lucy: I enjoyed our geography curriculum day today. We located sustainable cities on world maps, plotted them on maps of our own, carried out research and created an action plan to help these cities become more sustainable. 

Emily: We wrote some fantastic persuasive letters this week, based on our power of reading book. Mrs Jaynes even embarrassed a couple of the class by reading extracts from them. 

Stan: We have been multiplying fractions in Maths, including learning how to multiply mixed numbers. 

Tallulah-Mai: I enjoyed continuing to refine leaping in gymnastics. We used a range of different apparatus to some different leaps. 575