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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Spellings: breath, business, caught, different, exercise, extreme, medicine, possession, although, thought.

Boom reader and TT Rockstars

Talk homework - explain what the 'left over' part is in a division - what is it called? how can you show it using match sticks?

In maths, we enjoyed learning about different methods of division and some of us said they were struggling with division but found the part/ whole a useful tool to help solve the calculation. 

We thought English was fun as we had to use our imagination to draw the descriptive setting from our Power of Reading book.  We are enjoying meeting new characters and finding out what the new island holds and excited to find out what will happen next.

In Geography this week, we learnt about water pollution and we had a visitor from Anglian Water who provided an eventful day for us and we learnt some fun facts, e.g., it takes1300 litres to make a single loaf of bread!

On field, we enjoyed learning new skills in hockey and this week, we practised running with the ball and how to keep each other safe.

In History this week, we looked back at Roman innovations and found out about what happened in Britain before our time.  We enjoyed learning about the different Roman baths - Caldarium, Tepidarium, Frigidarium.