Friday 18th October 2024

Spellings: actual, bicycle, fruit, circle, enough, often, answer
TTRockstars 15min 3 times a week
Reading everyday please
Another great week in Lacewing Class.
On Wednesday we had an awesome Show and Share afternoon. When the whole school mixed up and went to different classes to talk about what they had been learning in different subjects. Hayley and Mia went to R.E. and discussed everything they know about Christianity. Annie enjoyed our reading session yesterday when we read a poem about The Magic Box and we predicted what the poem would be about, we explored the poem in detail and tried to summarise what the poem was about. Henry thought our science lesson to test the suitability of different rocks to make a path was fun and exciting. The rocks were tested for hardness by scratching with sandpaper using our working scientifically skills. Franklin is still enjoying Tag Rugby in P.E. and next week we will be playing Tag Rugby in Interhouse. Georgiana loved creating a model of a school in a Greek landform in Geography and we will be finishing them next week.
Have a great weekend
Year 3