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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 8th November

Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We have sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home. Please make sure you are doing at least numbots at least 20 minutes a week. 

Please practice your spellings for your test on Monday: toy, boy, girl, whirl, people, clay

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their first week back and have worked super hard! Within History we have looked at what the Doomesday Book is and what that might look like now days.

In Geography we have been looking at how industry has changed over the years and what infrastructure Buckden has to support our community.

In English we have started looking at poems and what 'Out and About' with the children starting to learn what a noun is and how to identify this within a text. They have worked hard and we will continue to work on their knowledge of how to achieve this.

Within maths we have completed our addition and subtraction within 10. They have worked so hard and we will continue to target this within their arithmetic sessions. 

If you have any spare plants your child can bring one into school to help with breathing and allowing them to look after their plant. We will find a space within the class for their plant which they can look after and love throughout the year.