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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 29th January 2021

Daily Reading

Remember PE kits for Monday

What an awesome week. We delighted to have had the snow at the start of the week. We all got our puddle suits on and made lots of snow angels.

We have learned all about Subtraction in our Maths this week and we are all really confident with lots of different words for subtraction (take away, minus, less than) and using lots of different tools to help us with it.

In Phonics we learned our first trigraph this week - igh- (3 letters than make one sound (as in night)). Along with some other digraphs (2 letters that make one sound (like ch - chat)).

In our PSHE lessons this week we have been looking at how to keep safe if we get lost, we talked about 'safer strangers.' They are people who wear uniforms like shop assistants, police, doctors, nursers etc and how we can go to them and ask them for help.

In RE we continued to learn about different stories in the Bible this week we learned all Joseph and his amazing techniolour dreamcoat.