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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

28th January 2022

Talk Homework- Find some time to talk about Chinese New Year which is happening this coming Tuesday. See if you can learn about how and why it is celebrated and where in the world China is.

Reading- at least 3 times per week.

This week the children have explored making shadows. They have experimented with a variety of materials to see which cast the best shadow. We tried to use the vocabulary of opaque and translucent, but these were quite tricky words to remember! 

In phonics, we have been taught the digraphs ar, or, ur and ow. Our story focus for the week was Rapunzel. We even found Rapunzel stuck at the top of the castle outside and sent her messages via paper aeroplanes to try and help rescue her.

In maths, we have been using our hands/ fingers and dice pattern five to recognise that numbers 6 and 7 are 5 and 1 more or 5 and 2 more respectively.

In PSHE, we have talked about how we need to keep healthy by staying physically active.

In RE, we have talked about the light of God and each created a beautiful candle with Miss Conlong.